Where Do You Share Your Story?

Feb 16, 2023

So, you have a clear brand story, and it’s a great message that needs to be shared with the people who want to hear it and understand what you do. The question is where and how to share it to best convey your mission. The answer is to get creative and find the best ways that work for you! To get you started, here are 5 of my favorite places to share.

Your Website. Don’t underestimate the usefulness of this platform. People seeking your services or products already may be finding you here, so make sure your story shines through. The About page tells all about your business and its purpose. Product or service descriptions provide essential information, but it’s the photos and videos that humanize your content. Positive customer testimonials and even an FAQ page can build trust because they show you’re interested in serving client needs.

Blog Posts. A blog might be part of your website, or it can be separate. Either way, consider what content you’re sharing. Avoid strictly writing about what your business does or your products. Instead, get to the heart of what makes your business tick by sharing tales about your journey, showing behind-the-scenes nuggets of your processes or employees, or conveying your knowledge or passion points about why you do what you do.

Email List. Keep gathering those emails, but don’t just send out advertisements. Use this direct-contact tool to build on your story with relatable and interactive content with existing customers. Highlight an aspect of your story that resonates with others or share an employee’s story or success. You can even ask customers to take a particular action, interact with your company in some way, or even share their own stories.

Social Media. It’s a scroll-through world out there, so don’t forget about social media. This is prime real estate for sharing photo and video content, not lengthy texts. Whether you’re going live or scheduling out graphics in advance, you can use these platforms to tell your brand story through images that make people stop and think about what you do in a new way.

Magazines. Whether online or in print, publications in your industry are always looking for content. Better yet, the readership is already interested in what you do. Flip through some of your favorite publications and find a way to offer up your expertise whether it’s in an ad or an article.

Regardless of the platforms you use, let your story shine through with a personal or humanizing tale or even showing behind-the-scenes fun or function. It can be as simple as going live or updating your website or as involved as writing an article. Whatever you do, the sky is the limit!