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Nov 10, 2022

The Importance of Brand Messaging

I totally get it, you had the idea for your business, decided to jump in, and just began doing your best. But as time went on you realized that you either felt like there were endless things to do when it came to building your reach or you felt completely lost and hopeless. Maintaining a consistent theme and tone across all content and communications is key and is done through something called brand messaging. It tells a story and defines how a company delivers its value and communicates with clients or customers. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every business, so brand messaging sometimes can get a little tricky and muddled with questions and doubts. Even so, there are ways to discover what way best suits you and your business needs.

Ask the Questions

First, you need to ask the right questions. Are we talking to the right people? Are we appearing interesting enough? Are we being clear? Does our tone convey the right attitude? Are we converting interest into actionable business? 

These questions come up time and again when I dive into helping clients build a recognizable and undeniable brand. Asking these questions (and more) helps us explore the areas into which we need to delve more deeply. Doing that can translate into productive conversations that bring about the sought-after “aha” moments that reveal issues and then create positive change in how someone is showing up in their business. 

Reaping the Benefits of Brand Messaging

With its roots in the tone of voice, the language and images used, and how the core message about a company conveys its ideas to the public, brand messaging is critical in establishing what people think of when they see a logo or a company name. 

Because brand messaging is used in all company content and materials, the language and phrasing needs to help potential customers relate to the brand and motivate them to buy its product or service while also communicating its mission and values.

Once a brand message is clear and consistent, it enhances productivity within a company because everyone has a united focus that remains consistent in the eyes of the consumers. Companies that can use brand messaging to tell a consistent and convincing story help customers connect emotionally and therefore become more likely to buy from or trust them. It always goes back to the know, like, and trust, right?

Steps to Building Undeniable Brand Messaging

So much goes into building brand messaging, but here’s the short and sweet of it.

  1. Define a mission statement that describes your company’s goal, who it serves, and why.
  2. Identify your target audience or ideal customer. Get really ooey, gooey specific!
  3. Write a brand promise that summarizes the concept of your company.
  4. Establish the emotional and practical values you offer customers.
  5. Create an attention-getting tagline or slogan.
  6. Determine the selling points that make your brand unique.
  7. Create a brand messaging guide and visual identity. When you are feeling lost…refer back to this at any time!
  8. Assess your messaging to make sure it's resonating in the right way.

Bonus: Remember these areas can be revamped and pivoted at any time. When you take the time to access what is and isn’t working, you can get more and more clear on these and have more ease and flow in conversions!

Ready to Take Action?

Does any of this sound good and make you want to see if building effective brand messaging aligns with your next level-up in business? If so, I have created systems that do exactly this, and they will be a big part of my Business Oasis Program coming in February 2023. Contact me for a FREE consultation to assess your brand and learn more about the program. 

Not ready for a group coaching setting? I also offer 1:1 mentoring and coaching because everyone deserves to feel less stress and more flow within their business and their impact!