Partner Up for Accountability

Jan 19, 2023

Building a business and brand is not for the faint of heart. Staying aligned with where you are going can feel daunting at times.That’s why I am so passionate that as you are growing your business, accountability is so important! Once you fall behind, it can feel like you’re not moving forward and playing catch-up just to keep your head above water. For some people, a degree of accountability comes from implementing firm deadlines, but let’s be honest, those aren’t made of concrete and can always be moved. What you need is someone else who will help you be accountable as well as cheer you on all the way. We call that an accountability partner!

An accountability partner is someone who will keep you motivated and help you meet your goals because they expect the same encouragement from you on their behalf. Ideally, you want someone who understands your vision and goals and is committed to helping you achieve them. This person will call you out when you are holding back and question you when you aren’t showing up with the focus and purpose you need to have. This can and should be a mutually beneficial relationship that can propel both of you onward and upward as you grow your goals and your brand for your business.

What Makes a Great Accountability Partner?

Obviously, the right accountability partner for you is, well, unique to you, but here are some characteristics that make sense across the board. These qualities may give you some insight into who might be the best person to hold you accountable.

An accountability partner should be:

  • Encouraging. You need someone who will give you positive reinforcement and keep you aware of what you’re doing right. Having them on your side to keep you positive throughout the struggling moments can be motivating and energizing.
  • Challenging. Keeping you positive doesn’t always mean letting you stay in your comfort zone, so your partner needs to be someone who will push you to grow and achieve and ultimately be the best you can be.
  • Compassionate. Through the challenges, it’s helpful to have someone who understands what you’re going through even if the nitty-gritty details of your business are different. Having someone who gets how you feel can be a comfort.
  • Not TOO compassionate. Understanding and enabling are separated by a fine line. Your partner should be supportive and a sounding board but not let you rest or wallow in your excuses and complaints that sell yourself short. You need someone who will make it easier for you to be resilient and dust yourself off to bounce back when you do struggle.
  • Emotionally steady. Your growth in business or life may not be easy all the time, and emotions can run high. A great accountability partner knows this and will create a safe space for you to vent frustrations without taking any negative comments too personally.
  • Willing to give feedback. Admit it, you can’t always see your forest for the trees. You may get so hyper-focused that you need someone who can take a step back and give more objective and constructive feedback. This can help you correct your course and avoid potential blind spots, which ultimately empowers you and helps you stick to your goals.
  • Able to see your potential. As humans, we are prone to meeting others’ expectations of us, so if someone can help you set your bar high, you often are more likely to attain it. Left alone, many of us settle for mediocre performance, but an accountability partner can help you see the person and the professional you can become beyond who you are now.
  • Willing to give you a break. Growth requires persistence, but sometimes you need to relax and recharge. Sometimes the best encouragement is to take a day off or recuperate and reflect. This permission from someone else can remove the “I have to do it now” burden, and ultimately will embolden you to embark on new and better challenges tomorrow.

No matter whether you’re overcoming a personal challenge or a business one, having the help and support of a great accountability partner will increase your odds for success.

How Do I Find an Accountability Partner? 

Yes! This sounds great! But where do you actually find an accountability buddy? Following are some great ideas to help you as you start your search:

  • In a networking organization
  • In a social media group
  • Among your family and friends
  • Among your coworkers or mentors
  • In a social group (e.g., art class, yoga class, moms group)
  • In an accountability group (Yes! This exists out there to provide challenges and ideas.)

Let us know if you’ve found an accountability partner somewhere else. Sharing it here can provide more inspiration for others. On the other hand, if you’ve been looking for an accountability partner and still haven’t found one, maybe we can help! Either way, get on out there and start being held accountable.