How to Powerfully Shift Your Mindset

May 04, 2023

Mindset is a pretty big deal. Your mindset matters in everything you do. It can impact how you make decisions and how you approach certain situations. Your mindset actually has a huge impact on how far you go and what progress you make in all aspects of your life. That means your mindset can also impact your business. That’s why it's so important to make sure you have a good mindset! Read on for some powerful strategies to improve your mindset.

What Areas of Your Life Are Affected by Your Mindset?

Your mindset can majorly affect your work ethic. If you’re in a good mindset, you’ll likely feel more motivated where a negative mindset can make you feel drained and unmotivated. This can make it SO much harder to actually chase your dreams and reach your goals. 

Having the right mindset can help you nail and close sales. After all, when you seem confident and knowledgeable about a product, people are generally more willing to trust the things you're saying and decide to work with you! On the other hand, the wrong mindset can make sales difficult for you. Your clients can also pick up on your nerves or poor mindset and feel less compelled to work with you or even trust you. After all, if you don't seem like you're confident in what you're telling them, they might doubt that you even know what you're talking about.

Your mindset can also affect what you focus on. A good mindset can help you focus on next steps and ways to help you achieve your goals whereas a poor mindset can make you feel stuck. As an effect of this, your mindset can also affect your decision making. With a negative mindset, you might have a harder time making rational decisions on behalf of your business. In fact, if you’re focusing on the negatives, you’ll probably make decisions from a negative place or a scarcity mindset. You'll often find that you make better decisions and feel freer when you operate from a more open mindset. 

Your problem solving ability can also take a hit from a poor mindset. If you shift your mindset, you’ll likely be able to see any of your problems from a different point of view. This could even lead us to being able to solve problems faster. With a negative mindset, we can end up focusing on the problems, causing us to feel - or even get - stuck in our current circumstances. 

While all of these effects sound bad, there can be even more negative effects of a bad mindset. That’s why it’s so important to make the necessary changes to have a powerful mindset. 

Soooo…How Do You Shift Your Mindset?

Many people think having a good mindset is just focused on being a positive person, and that is part of it. But there’s so much more to having a winning mindset than just being optimistic. If you’re in the early stages of shifting your mindset, you can work on just establishing 

If you’re looking to make little (but powerful) shifts, you can try journaling and meditating in a way that reassures you. You can also try meditating, creating a mantra, and being more intentional with your life. These are easy shifts that you can include in your day-to-day life and routine. 

If you’re ready to make conscious mindset shifts throughout the day, these tips might be right for you!

  • Come up with 5 positive thoughts for every 1 negative thought. Meditate on them and acknowledge all the feelings you have. Then focus on the emotions and name them. 
  • Start to recognize stories that no longer serve you and work to stop them in their tracks. (i.e. ‘I’m always late.’ ‘I am not good at social media.,’ etc) The more frequently you call these out as stories instead of real truths, the more you can replace them with nourishing thoughts for the better.
  • Push through your limiting beliefs! Did you know that most of your beliefs aren’t even yours? Most of our beliefs were passed down to us through other people or experiences. Do something that challenges your limiting beliefs, and start shifting them until you have a new belief that doesn’t hold you back. 

Remember that these are going to be a little more difficult to integrate into your routine because they’re usually conscious decisions that happen in the moment, but they can be so helpful! 

MAJOR Mindset Shifts:

While it can be helpful just knowing ways you can improve your mindset and strategies that can be helpful, it’s also important to have some reminders. These reminders are significant mindset shifts you can make. If you find that any of these really resonate with you, feel free to write them down or post them somewhere you can see them regularly.  

Your time is precious.

It’s one of your biggest assets. So using your time wisely is a big deal. Remember that busy =/= productive. Spend your time on things that will actually help you move forward, rather than staying busy with things that wont. (This doesn’t mean you can’t just relax or be busy because you feel like being busy though!) 

Focus more on the NOW and not the past or future. 

A lot of people focus on anything other than now. They think about the outcomes, not the way you get there. That makes it easy to lose sight of the journey or the actions you’ll need to take to get that desired outcome.  

Be excited to fail. 

Fear of failure is a big deal to a lot of people. It can completely stop them from even attempting to try anything. Being excited to fail doesn’t mean that you want to fail. It means you’re excited to TRY and then LEARN from your mistakes. 

Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. 

I’ve talked about this before, but it’s really important to not lose sight of your why. It’s the only way you’ll keep at it when the going gets tough!

Take control of your mind, not the other way around. 

A lot of times, our minds can trick us into overthinking about other people or things, giving us reasons to stay stuck, instead of encouragement to move forward. 

I hope after reading this article you feel empowered to build your very own powerful mindset. It can seem impossible at times, but just remember WHY you’re trying to make these shifts and that you are fully capable of making them. You’ve got this!!