How to Grow with Ease and Flow

Mar 23, 2023

Starting a business is super exciting! You’re stepping into the world of freedom and independent income and, best of all, you’re probably doing something you really love to do! That’s incredible! 

But what happens when your business starts to grow at a rate you weren’t prepared for? Suddenly you don’t have any time to take care of yourself and you feel like you’re constantly burnt out.  I see it all the time OR I see people staying small to avoid this which stunts your dreams coming to life.

A lot of times, we can get overwhelmed by rapid growth and not even know where to start managing it. That’s why I’m going to share five ways to handle rapid business growth with ease and flow. And the best part is that they’re not that difficult to implement! Another great part about these suggestions is that you can implement them wherever you’re at in your business. Yeah, that means you can prepare for rapid growth ahead of time and make life a little easier RIGHT NOW!

Systems and Processes

The first way you can create more ease in your business (especially when you’re handling rapid growth) is by creating systems and processes and implementing them into your business. Systems and processes to help you get things done more efficiently. If you follow a standard process, it can help you complete tasks faster.

Integration and Automation

My next tip is to integrate and automate as much as you can. The more that can be done while you’re sleeping, the better. And trust me, there are ways to automate just about anything. In fact, there are so many ways you can automate even your email! Think about just how much time and energy could be saved if you implemented automations in even just your email!


This one might seem like an obvious suggestion, but I have to share it because so many people can be wary of actually just hiring people. If you’re making consistent income and need someone to help you manage your business on a full or part time basis, try hiring out. This could range from getting a social media manager to having a financial advisor to getting an assistant! There’s so many possibilities! Depending on what type of business you’re running, you could even hire someone on to help with the actual work that you do. For example, if you’re a social media manager, you could hire someone to work with some of your clients


If you don’t want to (or can’t) hire someone in-house, try to outsource what you can. Outsource the things you don’t want to do that draw your energy. This can be done on an hourly basis and can have lower stakes than hiring someone. Outsourcing is generally a temporary solution that can (and sometimes should) be replaced with an in-house hire. It allows you to get help without the commitment you would have with an in-house hire. It would also allow you to get help at any point in your business instead of just whenever you’re making enough money to consistently pay someone.

Self Care

Now, last but certainly not least: prioritize self care! Whether you’re a big CEO making bank or a small business owner that’s just starting out, it’s important to make sure you’re still taking care of yourself. This will help prevent burnout and keep you motivated to keep pushing forward. Make sure you’re taking breaks when you need to, eating adequately, and getting enough rest!

And there you have it! These suggestions should help you streamline your business so you can grow with more ease and flow and way less stress. If you’d like more help with this, or need additional accountability, grab your free consultation!