What Is a Brand?

Sep 01, 2022

We all know some vague definition of a “brand.” As consumers, we see brands in stores all the time. It can be a brand of chocolate, a brand of clothing, a brand of vacuum cleaner, or a brand of hot dogs. Brands are everywhere. What they all have in common is that they make us think something about that product, make us feel something about that product, and make us assess how and why we trust that product. No matter your industry, the same goes for your own business brand.


Do I Really Need a Brand?

Sometimes people are like... “Ummm… what is a brand, and do I have one or need one?” That’s something we absolutely need to talk about because the answer is YES! Regardless of whether you have intentionally established a brand, you already have one. What? I have one? Yes! The most basic branding is created simply by how you are perceived by the public. The goal that will serve you better is learning to control that perception to work for you.


What Does a Brand Do for Me?

When it really comes down to it, a brand makes a business human. A brand adds personality, relatability, and emotional connections that lead people to feel all the feels as well as become trusting, loyal, or moved to action. As a business owner, you want to foster these connections with intention through your brand. A brand conveys to customers your ability to make an impact, how you will work with your dream clients to meet their needs, and how you will help good things come into clients’ lives.


Do I Need to Revamp My Brand?

Do you feel like you have a good grasp on your brand? Think about the impact and message and overall feel of how people perceive your business. Is it strong and authentic? Does it need some evaluation and reworking?


If you feel like you are not growing your reach and getting new clients, earning more sales, engaging in more collaborations, and/or working WAY TOO HARD just to keep up with your business, you might want to look at evaluating your brand. Assess and determine whether what you are doing and how you are being perceived is heading in the right direction.


If it sometimes feels like everything and nothing makes sense in your business, or you’re just throwing things out there and hoping they stick or resonate, take a minute to evaluate your mission, your message, and your migration of content (how it is landing with your community). This is key.


How Do I Build My Brand?

A lot of things go into branding yourself. Some happen from the beginning, but all can be redone or tweaked as you find necessary. Here are some ideas.


Research the competition. What are they doing and what makes you unique or special for your target clients? You have something different within you, hone in on that!


Establish your brand personality. What vibe or energy or aesthetic do you want your brand to convey? Are you approachable and creative? Are you steady and professional?


Choose the right business name. You may already have one, but step back and consider whether it best conveys what you do and can offer your customers. Timeless is always best!


Create a promise statement. Think of a simple statement that encapsulates what you do and the transformation or help you offer. Always be sure your content leads back to the results!


Design a professional logo. Logos are essential for brand recognition. These visuals have images that evoke a message, and the color scheme can also set the tone for the rest you build.


Apply your branding and messaging consistently. Keep at it. Walk the walk and talk the talk. Be the brand, and the brand becomes you. Never lose sight of the core values of the impact you wish to make and you will always land where you need to with connective content.


Still not sure where to start or if you’re doing it right? Book a free consultation and begin turning your business into a brand.