Brand Photography 101

Mar 09, 2023

Brand Photography is SUCH a cool (and fun!) part of business. It beautifully combines your real brand identity with creative and artistic expression to create something that can reach people in a way that words just can't. It's so much fun and I'm SUPER passionate about it…not sure if you can tell already?!

As a branding photographer and business owner myself, I know that there are a lot of questions you might have about brand photography. Like, what even is brand photography? Do I really need brand photos? Where can I even use them? These might be questions you’ve asked yourself, and I’m here to give you some answers.

What is Brand Photography?

Brand Photography can bring you and what you do to the next level, but what exactly is it? Let me tell ya! Brand photography is a collection of photos that act as a visual representation of you and your business. It is outstandingly helpful for creating a more robust visual identity and can involve a variety of looks, colors, props, settings, and so much more!

Brand photos may include pictures of you and/or your process, people using your product/service, the lifestyle in which people that use your product/service can achieve, detailed shots of your space or products...and honestly anything that makes your business special. The sky is the limit and I love dreaming up unique photo opportunities!

Do you need Brand Photos?

Brand photos are such a cool part of your business and can help you feel like you have a more well rounded brand, but do you really need them? Can they actually help your business or are they kinda just there? 

First off, yes! Brand photos can undoubtedly help your fact they are an asset! If you’re not in a place to get brand photos done, you can always make it a longer term goal. And I am here to help figure out what that looks like and brainstorm just how that might all come into play. Meanwhile, here are 3 ways brand photos can help your business! 

Branding photos can help your audience get to know you better. More exposure to you and your personal brand photos will allow your clients to feel like they know who you are and what you stand for. That age ole know, like, and trust at its finest!

Personalized brand photos can help you stand out from the crowd. Photos can help tell a story or deliver a message better than even words can sometimes. And, of course, if you have personalized photos they can help you highlight what makes you different and unique.

Unique photos give your business some extra personality. If you’re using photos specifically taken for your business, you can clearly and effectively communicate your brand’s personality and attach a face to the company, or highlight your products in a fresh new way...making people trust you more.

Where can you use Brand Photos?

Brand photos can help your audience feel closer to you and really understand who you are as a person AND as a business. It’s such a cool way to make connections! But where can you use brand photos? Is this just a social media thing, or can you use them in more ways than one? Luckily for you, I've got a few suggestions on where in the world you can use brand photos!

Social media profile photos and headers are a great spot for brand photos, especially headshots. They can help your audience identify you easily and also communicate who you are from the very first moment they see you. You can also use your brand photos in/as social media posts. Again, this helps your audience get to know you better but it also gives you photo assets that you own to use whenever you want, rather than relying on stock photos that might not fit the exact vibe you're going for.

This might sound a bit obvious, but you can (and should) use your brand photos all over your website! Your photos on your company's website can say a LOT about who you are as a brand and what your values are. Using your photos on your website can also help your audience feel even more connected to you as they're reading all about you and your business. Having your own brand photos on your website can also help really pull the site together and drive home your messaging and identity, creating something that is a great representation of your brand ideals and aesthetics!

If you ever make video content (reels, TikToks, YouTube videos, etc) then you might be interested in this next suggestion. You can actually use brand photos in your video content! This particular suggestion is extremely versatile, too. You can use your brand photos to create cute intro and outro sequences for your videos, use them as graphics within the video, and even use them as backgrounds in short-form video content.

Marketing materials are another key place to use your brand photos. When you use brand photos anywhere it helps you build your know, like, and trust relationship with your audience. When you use them specifically in your marketing materials, you're harnessing the power of the know, like, trust relationship in a powerful way. When people get a clear idea of who you are as a business from the very first ad, they're more likely to actually turn into a converting customer.

You can also use your brand photos in blogs and emails as banners, graphics, covers, and more!


I hope this helps you find answers to some of your frequently asked questions. If you decide to get some brand photos done, I am booking through May right now! Don't hesitate to get on my calendar for a quick, free, and even FUN consultation to look into what we can dream up for your photos when you are ready!