Brand Building Goes Beyond the "Marketing"

Sep 29, 2022

It’s absolutely true that building a brand includes marketing strategy and great photos, content and messaging. But even more important is having the right mindset to propel you forward. It’s thinking positively and getting into the habit of building a consistent routine that changes your world and how you function within it. All the other pieces are great and important, but it’s this bit that makes your brand truly thrive.

What’s the Mindset?

Okay, so I said it’s a mindset, but we’ve all heard that time and again….I can hear you thinking, “what does this really mean and do for me?” Well, it’s about treating yourself like you absolutely deserve to get to the next level! It’s confidence in what you do or what you offer. It’s how you show up every day. When you treat yourself differently, you set yourself up for success.

Establish Non-Negotiables

You need to establish some non-negotiables in your day. Some of these should be about your business, but some of them can be for yourself. If you don’t already have some built in (or you do them inconsistently), do yourself a favor (because you certainly deserve it) and choose a few things or tasks that are so important to you that you cannot push them to the wayside for other things. 

Once you do this, like really, really do this…you can start to grow as a person. In turn, your business will see more flourishing moments, too.

What kinds of non-negotiables do I mean? Here’s my short list:

  • Take a morning walk.
  • Post to social media.
  • Get on a mentorship call.
  • Edit a branding session.

Obviously, your list will be specific to you, your life, and your business, but this is one of my main lists that I work to check off every day. I may not get to all of them daily (my main list has about 10), but the goal is to do at least three things EVERY DAY... that are non-negotiable!

If you notice, nothing on my list explicitly says “brand building” for my business but hear me out. My morning walks get nervous energy out. They help me clear my head and my heart and I feel much more energized and clear minded. When I post to social media, I get to interact with existing and new potential clients. When I get on a mentorship call to work with clients on building their brand, it helps me build mine as well. When I edit a branding session, I build my expertise and support my brand mentality. I’m not directly marketing my brand and yet I am because I’m building me.

Whatever the details and non-negotiables are for you, your outlook and mindset wholeheartedly come into play. It’s no secret but let me state it clearly: what we do, the people and things that surround us, and doing work toward checking long-term goals off our lists cause real, undeniable change in our mindset and in our business.

Many of my clients walk away with tangible tasks to work toward building their mission, voice, visuals, and reach. But they also walk away with adjustments or ways to make their days a little more filled with life-giving routines or maybe homework so they can begin making energetic shifts as well as positive habits and lifestyle changes. Doesn’t that sound nice?

So, take a bit and answer this for yourself. What are your non-negotiables each day or week? And how will they begin to help you build your brand into the best it can be? Lastly, how can you hold yourself accountable and actually make it a part of your everyday life? I promise you these seem simple, but they can truly make a difference.